Sonntag, 21. April 2013

Hair color♥

Hey sweeties how are you?♥

As you maybe already know in some days my friend and I we will fly to Japan and Abu Dhabi, I am a bit nervous but its fine XD
So when  you remember back I had big problems with my hair color, that I got a greenish grey hair.
So somedays ago I coloration them again in a light goldblonde color.

So this was the result. It was nomore greenish or grey but a bit redish, but that is better then greenish or grey XD
But I was a bit sad, because my hair get so dark, and normaly it was a light color and I want to be blonde.
Then I did highlights by myself XD I was a bit afraid, because maybe they are yellow or something like that after coloration, but I have to say they turned out really soft and nice.

Now I am thinking to do this again before japan, I mean some highlights are better for the hair then coloration them full. So what do you think?

baii baii


1 Kommentar:

  1. Hey :)) sieht doch ganz gut aus! Ich würde es entweder so lassen (um niichts zu riskieren und Geld zu sparen ;D) oder zum professional friseur gehen und ihm sagen, dass er ''kamm-strähnen machen soll''. Kp ob du das kennst, aber das sind ziemlich natürlich aussehende strähnen, sodass das Haar insgesamt heller aussieht und man sich mit blondieren nicht so viel kaputt macht :3 viel spaß in japan und abu dhabi!!:))
