Samstag, 24. November 2012

Necklace collection♥

Hey Sweeties, today I want to show you my Necklace collection
Do you like accessories as much as I do? I really love accessories and I think an outfit cannot look good without accessories XD

 Both are from Swarovski, the left I got as a present from my boyfriends mom and the right is a present from my boyfriend ^o^

Left one is from Liz Lisa and the right one, I think I bought it in the Shibuya 109-2 building.

Left one is from Tokyo, the upper one is from Shibuya 109 and the lower one is from the Sakurina collection.

Left to right, Tokyo, Tokyo, Tokyo XD and Drwcys.

Left to right, Emoda from a Fukubukuro and the other one are all from Paris kids, I think.

Left to right, Liz Lisa, Liz Lisa and H&M

Left to right, Alba Rosa, Duras, Liz Lisa and again Liz Lisa.

As you can see I like more the "gold color" accessories. I think gold color is more Adult/Elegant like XD

baii baii


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